Para jugar los DS Games como Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns (Español) necesitas los NDS Emulator (Emulador Nintendo DS) y NDS Emulator IOS para jugarlos en sistemas MAC, hay otros Games populares Pokemon DS o Nintendo DS (Pokemon NDS) y el ROM … Share: DOWNLOAD FILE. ROM NDS Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns (Español) en idioma ESPAÑOL para jugar en Nintendo DS NDS para PC, Android, Apple, y Mac OS X.
Start download Harvest Moon DS roms for Nintendo DS (NDS) and Harvest Moon DS ROMs on your favorite devices windows pc, android, ios and mac! This game has been selected by 76,507 players, who appreciated this game have given 3,7 star rating. (I may have a few duplicates or missed files due to name differences) This is the USA version of the game and can be played using any of the NDS emulators available on our website. You can use emulator to play the Nintendo DS games on your Windows PC, Mac, Android and iPhone. 22.9GB I think I have all of the available US games in one folder that is up-to-date as the day I am creating the torrent file.